We are a group of passionate people who love to ride motorcycles!

Blue Knights® England XIV’ was chartered on the 30th January 2006 to cover the Avon and Somerset Constabulary and the Devon and Cornwall Constabulary policing areas. It was formed by John Cooke, Aaron Bevan, Gerry Coulter Smith and Muddy Waters
After recent formation of two further chapters in Cornwal (EngXVII) and Devon, the chapter now covers South Glos, Bristol, Bath, North East Somerset, Somerset & Dorset. The Chapter has a membership in excess of forty four at present (as at Feb 2021)
The Annual Membership Fee stands at £30:00p per Annum, and is renewable each December. Whenever possible the Blue Knights® travel throughout the U. K. and also Europe, supporting other Chapters Rallies and Events. Blue Knights® England XIV holds its own Monthly Breakfast Meetings second Saturday of the Month, and on the forth Saturday of the month a Ride out, this coupled with other Social Events throughout the year.

We support three main charities, UKCOPS, Support Dogs and the National Association for Bikers with a Disability (NABD). Besides the main three, we like to promote Child Victims of Crime (CVOC) and undertook a major fundraising event for CVOC which raised over £25,000 in 2009. Then in 2011, four members were part of a team of 11 who raised over £10,000 for The Royal British Legion and Help for Heroes.
The day to day running of the Chapter is undertaken by unpaid officers on the Chapter Committee. These officers are listed on the Officer Page